Monday, February 2, 2015

Emily March returns with a fabulous new Angels Rest book "Teardrop Lane"

********Thank you Edelweiss for an advanced copy of this title*******
Temperamental glass artist Hunt Cicero’s world is upended when a tragic accident leaves his sister’s three young children orphaned and in his care. When the youngsters, who lived in the mountains of Wyoming, fail to thrive on his Caribbean island home, he takes the advice of friend and student, Gabi Romano, and moves his brokenhearted new family to the place that promises healing—Eternity Springs. There, the town’s infinitely patient physician, Rose Anderson, provides a welcome buffer between the frustrated man and his wounded—but spirited—charges. After cancer treatment had destroyed her ability to have children of her own, Rose had buried her maternal instincts, but these three precious children and their irascible gorgeous uncle brings it roaring back. Together, they learn that the best medicine of all is love.

We met Hunt in the last book, Gabi's mentor. Gabi approached Hunt with an idea to open up a glass shop in Eternity Springs for the tourist trade. Hunt thinks its a good idea, especially because his sister passed away and he is trying to pay off her medical bills and also help out the family who took her children in. He needs the money. But after a couple run ins with Rose, he's pretty hooked, even if he doesn't want a relationship.

The family who took the kids in, his sister's real brother (Hunt was just a foster brother) decide that they are unable to care for the children because they are expecting one of their one, Hunt steps up and takes the kids, even if he has no clue what he is doing. Rose and all of Eternity Springs step in to help him. After the way he grew up, Hunt is taken aback by the support from the town. But Rose had a disastrous first marriage and Hunt doesn't even believe in happy ever after, can these two get past their differences to find their way to each other?

So, Absolutely anything Emily March writes is going to end up being a heart warming, beautiful read. Every single one of her books had left me feeling happy. This one is no different. I'm not going to gush on and on about it, I'm just going to say ... go read the book!

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