War Storm, the fourth and final book in the Red Queen series released this week and I cannot be the only person who is bawling because we are not yet ready for it to end! I haven't started it yet. My copy arrived on Tuesday but it was heavily damaged in shipping and so I am waiting for my new copy to arrive that Amazon sent out right away when I contacted them. (I love Amazon customer service, just FYI).
I started re-reading Red Queen last weekend, so I could read the series all over again and be fresh for starting the final book. I forgot how much I absolutely adore this series. Except for the fact that sometimes Mare drove me nuts. Overall, though, its not nearly as bad as Harry Potter in the 5th HP book.
Mare is a difficult character to like sometimes. She feels what she is doing is right, but wishes there was some other way to accomplish her goals. She feels every loss very deeply and you can tell it really affects her. I also adore Cal, well until book 3 anyways and now I'm scared to start book 4! Maven.. oh Maven... Aveyard did a fantastic job with this character. I love to hate him as much as Sarah Maas' Fae Queen Maeve. I want to reach into the book and just smack him so badly.
Anyways, I started King's Cage today and hopefully will have War Storm done by the end of the weekend. Happy reading everyone!
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